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Tableau Can Help Anyone See and Understand Their Data

Connect to almost any database, drag and drop to create visualizations, and share with a click.

Sunartha Element
Sunartha Element
Sunartha Element

Sunartha is an Official Partner of Tableau in Indonesia

We offer integrated business solutions to help empowering business owners in order to accelerate the growth of their company.

With Tableau, we help to integrate and visualize a comprehensive business information in order to give a deeper understanding, insights from data analysis, and effective strategic decision making process.


We Take Care of Our Clients

Icon Reporting & Analytics

Reporting & Analytics

Integrate business information to improve the quality of reporting and data analytics for insight that lead to action.

Icon Training & Implementation

Training & Implementation

Empower users with superior product know-how, informative training, and optimized implementations.

Icon Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse

Manage data properly over its lifetime. Support business goals with less risk and with improved governance.


Why Teams and Organizations Love Tableau

Icon Option for Everyone

Option for Everyone

From the individual analyst to everyone across a large organization, Tableau helps bring analytics to every corner of your organization.

Icon Complete Platform with No Hidden Costs

Complete Platform with No Hidden Costs

We deliver a complete analytics experience—no We deliver a complete analytics experience—no hidden costs or additional products required. Understand the price you pay upfront, with no surprises.

Icon Easy to Start and Scale

Easy to Start and Scale

Tableau reduces the cost to deploy best-in-class analytics and gives you the flexibility to buy what you need, where and when you need it.

Icon We Invest in Your Success

We Invest in Your Success

Tableau is more than software—with free training, an unrivaled commitment to R&D, and a vibrant community of data rockstars, we invest in your success.


Tableau Creator

*The prices do not include taxes

Discover insights with a powerful suite of products that support your end-to-end analytics workflow.

Includes: Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, and one Creator license of Tableau Server

Tableau Explorer

*The prices do not include taxes

Explore trusted data and answer your own questions faster with full self-service analytics.

Includes: one Explorer license of Tableau Server

Tableau Viewer

*The prices do not include taxes

View and interact with dashboards and visualizations in a secure, easy-to-use platform.

Includes: one Viewer license of Tableau Server

Product Details

Govern Creator Explorer Viewer
Manage users and permissions -
Curate and share data sources - -
Manage content and certify data sources -
Author from curated data -
Server administration 3 - -
View lineage and impact 1 1 1
Set data quality warnings 1 1 -
Advanced Deployment Monitoring 4 - -
Programmatic Content Migration 4 - -
Interact Creator Explorer Viewer
Interact with visualizations and dashboards
Create and share custom views -
Download visualizations as images (.pdf, .png)
Download summary data
Download full data -
See data quality warnings 1 1 1
Consume predictive models from Einstein Discovery 5 5 5
Collaborate Creator Explorer Viewer
Comment on a dashboard or visualization
Create a subscription for yourself
Receive data-driven alerts
Create subscriptions for others -
Create data-driven alerts -
Author Creator Explorer Viewer
Edit existing workbooks and visualizations -
Create and publish new workbook from existing published data source
Explore an existing published data source with Ask Data
Create and publish new workbook with a new data source - -
Create and publish new data sources - -
Create new workbooks based on pre-built Dashboard Starters 2 - -
Prepare Creator Explorer Viewer
Create new data flows (.tfl) - -
Edit and modify a data flow (.tfl) - -
Export data (.tde, .hyper or .csv) - -
Publish and run flows 1 - -
Schedule flows 1 1 -
Monitor flow performance and health 1 - -

1 = Available with Tableau Data Management

2 = Only available on Tableau Cloud

3 = Only available on Tableau Server

4 = Available with Advanced Management

5 = Available with Einstein Discovery in Tableau

Tableau Embedded Analytics

Tableau Embedded Analytics includes a Tableau Server license and access to all the APIs and administration you'll need to integrate Tableau into your own products. It includes maintenance & support, and upgrades to the latest release when you're ready.

Tableau Data Management

Enhanced data preparation and governance for Tableau Server.

Tableau Advanced Management

Enable Advanced Management for enhanced manageability, scalability, and security in your Tableau Cloud deployment.

Trusted by Companies

Mulai Perubahan!

Jangan biarkan peluang berlalu begitu saja. Bersama Training Tableau by Sunartha, organisasi Anda akan siap untuk menghadapi tantangan yang akan datang dengan pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan data yang lebih cerdas dan tepat waktu.

Dapatkan keunggulan kompetitif kemampuan analisa data Anda dengan bergabung dalam pelatihan ini.